Dominic! Imprimer
Mardi, 01 Juin 2010 09:02
profile_dominic Faculty: Faculty of Arts & Social Sciences
Major: Social Work  with a minor in Political Science, Year 2 Co-curricular Activities (CCAs):
•    Group Head of Strategic Management and Founder, SPLAT!
I founded the SPLAT! community arts movement to encourage the public to accept and offer a second chance to youths-at-risk and ex-youth offenders while inspiring community action to support their rehabilitation and re-integration into society. I lead 450 programme-based volunteers to work with youths-at-risk and ex-youth offenders.
•    Head of Outreach, Society of Social Work Students
•    Volunteer, Aftercare Service, Ministry of Community Development, Youth and Sports
•    Volunteer, Meet-the-People Sessions, Tampines Central
•    Volunteer Student Social Worker, The Singapore Buddhist Lodge (SBL) Vision Family Service Centre